How to deploy in local machine

Deploy Api-Server, Admin Web Dashboard, Mobile App and Amplitude Dashboard for Analytics in Local machine

Installation Steps

  • Download Lyoneat full app and extract it

  • Open terminal in extracted folder

Api Server

  1. run cd lyoneat-multivendor-api in terminal

  2. Set environment file (.env) NODE_ENV=development PORT=8000 CONNECTION_STRING={DB Connection string} RESET_PASSWORD_LINK=http://localhost:{Admin Dashboard port no}/auth/reset/?reset= SERVER_URL=http://{local network IP address}:{port no}/ NOTIFICATION_ON_CLICK=http://{local network IP address}:{port no}/dashboard

  3. Create an account on mlab, then Create a database on mlab, copy connection string and paste it in .env against the key CONNECTION_STRING. Read more about how to use mlab here

  4. run npm install or yarn install to install packages

  5. then run node index.js in terminal. look for messages in terminal for completion of seeding data. Now run cd .. in terminal and follow next steps.

  6. runnpm start in terminal to start server

NOTE: For notifications to work on android you'll have to upload FCM token on expo server. Read more about it here

Admin Web Dashboard

  1. run cd lyoneat-multivendor-admin in terminal

  2. Install packages by npm install or yarn install

  3. update server_url in /config/config.js if you are running API/Server on different url/port

  4. run npm start

Mobile App

  1. Go to folder lyoneat-mutlivendor-app

  2. Install packages by npm install or yarn install

  3. update GRAPHQL_URL and WS_GRAPHQL_URL in /environment.js if you are running API/Server on different url/port

  4. Run the mobile app by npm start

  5. Scan the QR code with the Expo app (Android) or the Camera app (iOS).

Rider App

  1. Go to folder lyoneat-multivendor-rider

  2. Install packages by npm install or yarn install

  3. update GRAPHQL_URL and WS_GRAPHQL_URL in /environment.js if you are running API/Server on different url/port

  4. Run the mobile app by npm start

  5. Scan the QR code with the Expo app (Android) or the Camera app (iOS).

Restaurant App

  1. Go to folder lyoneat-multivendor-restaurant

  2. Install packages by npm install or yarn install

  3. update GRAPHQL_URL and WS_GRAPHQL_URL in /environment.js if you are running API/Server on different url/port

  4. Run the mobile app by npm start

  5. Scan the QR code with the Expo app (Android) or the Camera app (iOS).

Analytics Dashboard

  1. Explore demo version on get amplitude key and replace it with amplitudeApiKey in app.json of mobile app.

  2. You can further explore dashboard by following amplitude documentation.

Last updated